Peer Review #3

Peer: Martha Paola Ortiz
Name: Pocket Pail: Tiny Triumphs In A Time Crunch
Brief Description: Addressing how we’re so busy with our lives, that we forget to enjoy ourselves and try new things – time flies. This blog will be about addressing the fear/guilt of trying something different each week; like a bucket list but for the little things in life I wish I’d push myself to do. 

With content learned from lectures and readings, I will analyze the overall content and design of Pocket Pail and how it all ties into their website’s marketability to their intended audience group.

Starting off with my experience entering the site, I found it giving off a very elegant feel. Very calming presence, which matches well with what is trying to be marketed to the audience (an audience that is looking to also enjoy the simpler things in life and slow down the moments they live through instead of speeding through them). 

Another thing that I found that really ties in with the message Martha is trying to convey is that there aren’t any shocking aspects of the blog (i.e., the font is simple yet elegant, the use of black against a more creamy white instead of bright white, etc.), all to say that it continues to keep the calming presence throughout the site with these tiny details.

The connection between pages and posts is subtle but still does an amazing job of making the audience feel the same throughout the entire website, especially with the bird flying being present on each page.

With posts specifically, I love the approach that Martha takes. I wasn’t 100% sure how their posts would portray and document the moments of “nothing” that they went through each week. But I was pleasantly surprised with the approach that was taken, as they guided the audience through their feelings. Starting with the goal for the week, then how it went, how they did it, how they felt about it, and finally the goal for next week. Each post guides readers through all the raw emotions that Martha went through while completing the goal for that week, without hiding all the struggles or mishaps that occurred. The way that each week is broken down into these detailed sections allows the reader to understand what is being conveyed.

As I was reading the blog posts, I found myself also enjoying the little things that happened in Martha’s life, from 3D printing a cat keyholder to going to a Pumpkin patch with her friend. The message Martha was hoping to convey with Pocket Pail has reached me clearly and with no doubt her target audience. I have found that while reading the little adventures/goals Martha documents, I am enjoying the little things, the moments of “nothing”. I have realized that these moments of “nothing” contain so much more than what we give credit to since our life is so fast-paced, due to Martha’s way of documentation of her moments of “nothing”.

I would like to thank Martha for helping me open my eyes to being in the moment and not speeding through my moments of “nothing”. I believe Pocket Pail’s overall design and content have and will continue to reach those who are the targeted audience (those who want to also live through and enjoy the moments of nothing). Amazing work has been put into Pocket Pail and I encourage Martha to continue to document her weekly goals. (I wish you the best of luck for the term!)

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