Reading Journal

I am not one to start multiple series at once, I am usually a person who needs to finish the book/series I am currently reading to be able to start a new book. However, I am interested in starting multiple books and reading them interchangeably.

Currently, I have found that it’s a bit hard to keep track of the series I have started and yet to finish. A tool to aid me in that and help me stay motivated is by creating a reading journal. I have seen many of my friends keep reading journals that contained a 5-star ranking system, notes for each book, and many more categories that interest them.

Since I am only testing the waters with multi-book reading, I have only made a simple layout that contains the books and how many I have read, as seen below.

I tried to give the page some life with some watercolor, and book-related stickers. I found that being able to fill in the squares once I’ve finished a book is quite rewarding and made me want to continue filling out more squares, which would require me to read more books.

Once again this is only a bare layout that only highlights what I would like to focus on, which is keeping track of which books I am currently in the middle of. But, as I said before there are many different layouts and features that can be added to yours, such as a book rating system, character review, tropes, etc. Even the book tracker has many formats it can take, one of the most common being a bookshelf with books (every time you finish a book you color it in).

I hope this gives those who are interested in starting a reading journal a little baseline to start off with.

Happy reading!

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